This is our new shopping list.
It helps us manage all group groceries with only one fridge.
Ena designed and explained the process here.
You can download it here and use it in your space.
People visiting Sende cook and eat dinners together. Everyone prepares their own breakfast and lunch. Before, they would fill their groceries needs in the basic notebook attached to the fridge. It was too complicated because they would repeat the same product on multiple pages, without checking if it has been written before.
This kind of list needs to be sorted by categories, and sorting takes additional hour of time for a person going shopping.
We created new printable shopping list design with food categories and designated places for quantities of products.
Design of the list was done on the spot, with 10+ small improvements while receiving the real-time feedback from Sende users and from the person who is responsible for doing the shopping.
Version 1.0 // Did not work
>> List offers categories of food + food suggestions
>> Boxes on the right serve for writing down numerical quantity
>> Product list is based on previous shopping lists and making the inventory of the food that is most used in Sende
Design testing showed that:
>> Offering a product list leads to buying too much groceries and overfilling the fridge. People would order things they don't even need because it was easier to tick/fill in "1kg" box instead of writing the whole ingredient: "Spaghetti 1kg".
>> During testing and initial list filing, most of the users marked boxes with ´x´ or a dot instead of using numeric value because the grey boxes were not very obvious.
>> Also we realised that people don't know how to calculate the amount of ingredients they need.
V1.1 >> Introduced Categories + how to use explanation
V1.2 >> Introduced horizontal lines to write down product instead of offering suggested products. Then we added blank lines instead of grey boxes to add quantity.
V1.3 >> We learned that people would fill in quantity with words section without leaving space for others to add their amounts. So we had to redesign the right quantity column again so the user can understand better where to put numeric value (number of packs or kilos).
V1.4 >> In one of the design iterations we introduced cutting lines, so the one A4 sheet of paper can be used for two lists spreads + the design can be printed on both sides of the paper. Separated papers looks better and it's easier to navigate with an eye.
V1.5 >> This is how it looks filled out shopping list and the fifth variation of the design.
This variation showed us:
>> for which product groups we need more writing space (lines),
>> what food categories we need to include
>> that we needed additional list design for planning dinners*
*Each night dinners are prepared by groups of two-three people. Since dinners are normally meals from different countries, they require special ingredients and separate groceries planning.
⏭️ Version 2.0 Next design contained both lists.
Here are the changes and improvements:
<< Creation of the Dinner list. Previous list became only breakfast and lunch list.
<<Adding space for writing down date, day and the name of the dish to dinner list, so the person who is doing the shopping can organize better in terms of timing of buying and amount of groceries needed.
When ingridients arrive, separate dinner list serves to immediately separate Dinner ingridients inside the shop. Separated ingridients don't get mixed and eaten by mistake
This shopping list helped us to organize better all meals. Please let us know
if you use it in your coliving or community space. Also, let us know if you have
any small improvements. Made, tested, and presented by Ena.