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Thermal coliving


Lobios, Spain


September 23rd — October 2nd 2024


Deputación de Ourense

Caldaria Hoteles y Balnearios

We organized a first ever Thermal coliving experience. 16 independent remote workers all the way from United States, vía Italy to Morrocco came to discover thermal theritory of Galicia while staying in an old-school balneario (hotel-spa) which was adapted to host digital workers.

Diputacion from Ourense started this initiative and connected all pieces together: Managers of the hotel who wanted to try to bring new type of clients, local businesses which co-organized routes and activitie with Sende, and Sende Pilots team.

This event was presented as a Highlight event on the opening day of Thermatalia, international congress of Thermal theritories in Latin America and Spain.  

Hikes, routes, spas, and local places hosted international guests in places where it's not so common to hear other language than Galician or Spanish.
